Monday, November 24, 2008

A Little Ute Love!


Here are some cookies that Brad and I made for our friends, Cameron and Holly. They love the Utes and we wanted to celebrate Utah's victory with them. I am sure they were super happy that Utah killed BYU!  Love ya guys!


Lyndee W. said...

LOL! I have neighbors with big red U's spray painted on their lawns in retaliation. Ah, the rivalry.

Holly said...

Hey if I'm getting cookies out of this we can be rivals on everything;) What's your favorite baseball team;) You guys are great neighbors!!

Cameron said...

Ah, spray painted lawns. Now there's an idea...

Jamie said...

Hey I think I hate BYU, can I have some cookies?!

Hintze Family said...

MMM..Those look almost as tasty as the fruity & flaky Max Hall Turnovers!