Sunday, December 14, 2008

Ethan: Demon or Angel?


So about a month ago I had an interesting conversation with Ethan, here is how it went:

me: Ethan you have been kind of naughty and ornery lately, it makes me sad. I miss my happy Ethan who is nice and loves everyone.

Ethan: (straight faced) Your Ethan is dead.

Okay,.... what do you say to that? I couldn't help but to hide a little laugh, because where does he come up with these things? Is he seriously possessed? ( He has started to act better in the past month, thank goodness!)

Then this past week he was acting silly and I asked him this...

me: Who are you?

Ethan: (proudly) I Am A Child Of God! And he has sent me here!

Sami told me that in primary they ask the kids this question and they all respond in this manner. So thank you the primary leaders for changing my Ethan from and demon to an angel! 


Lyndee W. said...

Sami was pretty close: I am a child of God, He knows me and He loves me.

I can't help but giggle every time I hear Ethan singing his heart out and see his impish smile as we do singing time. He's such a cutie!

April said...

Okay, last night I asked Ethan the same question and he answered me the way you just said, so he finally has it down right. And yesterday before church he informed me that he knows all the songs for the primary program and he was pretty proud of himself. You are doing a great job Lyndee! You have taught a 4 yr. old to sing and love it! Thanks!

Holly said...

I love that pic of him. He cracks me up every day in preschool. He's a good kid, just full of energy and very strong willed. He needs to be in this day and age!!

Lydia said...

"Your Ethan is dead" Where does he come up with this stuff? I love that little kid.

Tim said...

April- Love the blog. I think your Ethan is an angel and incredibly funny. Tell Ethan Uncle Tim says "This is my mommy". Love ya!

Jamie said...

HAHA that is too funny!!! sounds right out of a scary movie when the evil boy turns his head to tell his mom to get over it, and says in a deep mans voice "YOur Ethan is DEAD!"

Jill said...

A little devil one minute and an angel the next, sounds like 5 little boys I used to know. Now we call them passionate about life!! Hang on.....and just hug him!! Even when he is a little devil he is so adorable!! But I am not prejudice!!! That picture totally melted this grandma's heart!!! I love you Ethan! XOXO

Michelvis said...

Okay that is hilarious. I must meet this little darling. I love him already. He's like my soulmate.